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News and Events

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  1. Chinese Institute of Public Opinion of Renmin University is established
    Chinese Institute of Public Opinion of Renmin University is established 2020-12-23

    Chinese Institute of Public Opinion of Renmin University is established, in an effort to advance the modernization of China's system and capacity for governance and build a good public opinion ecology...

  2. Graduation!|J-School Starts to Package and Express Graduates’ Luggage with Live Connection
    Graduation!|J-School Starts to Package and Express Graduates’ Luggage with Live Connection 2020-12-23

    In order to provide better service for 2020 graduates of J-School, its whole faculty and at-school student volunteers worked together to package and express the luggage of graduates. Based on the actu...

  3. Meet On The Cloud: RUC J-School Holds It’s Graduation Ceremony of 2020
    Meet On The Cloud: RUC J-School Holds It’s Graduation Ceremony of 2020 2020-12-23

    The 2020 graduation ceremony of J-School was held on the Plaza of Mingde Journalism Building on June 23, 9 am, which was marked by the utilization of online video conferencing system as to offer live ...

  4. The 2020 New Year Report Meeting was held at J-School
    The 2020 New Year Report Meeting was held at J-School 2020-12-21

    The School of Journalism and Communication of Renmin University of China held the 2020 new year's report meeting and the teachers and staff congress congress on January 14. The new year report meeting...

  5. Twelve Students Stood out in the Third Selection of Program for Top-notch Academic Talent Cultivation
    Twelve Students Stood out in the Third Selection of Program for Top-notch Academic Talent Cultivation 2020-12-21

    Nine out of 12 applicants were selected in the third selection of the program for top-notch academic talent cultivation launched by the School of Journalism of Renmin University of China on December. ...

  6. Global View of Chinese Scholarship: The Grand Opening of 2019 Academic Conference of the Chinese Association for History of Journalism and Mass Communication
    Global View of Chinese Scholarship: The Grand Opening of 2019 Academic Conference of the Chinese Association for History of Journalism and Mass Communication 2020-12-21

    The 2019 Academic Conference of the Chinese Association for History of Journalism and Mass Communication (CAHJC), an annual meeting celebrated by the Chinese scholars of journalism, opened at Beijing ...

  7. The first batch of graduates (1959) of the J-School of RUC returned to school to celebrate the 60th anniversary of graduation
    The first batch of graduates (1959) of the J-School of RUC returned to school to celebrate the 60th anniversary of graduation 2020-12-21

    The first batch of graduates (1959) of the School of Journalism and Communication of Renmin University of China returned to school to celebrate the 60th anniversary of graduation on October 11. Alumni...

  8. Back Home | Undergraduates of the year 1980 of the School of Journalism, Renmin University Return to the School on the 35th Anniversary of Graduation
    Back Home | Undergraduates of the year 1980 of the School of Journalism, Renmin University Return to the School on the 35th Anniversary of Graduation 2020-12-21

    On the afternoon of September 14, undergraduates of the year 1980 of School of Journalism, Renmin University of China returned to School to commemorate the 35th anniversary of graduation. Hu Baijing, ...

  9. Orientation | Ceremony marking the beginning of a new semester was held for postgraduates of the year 2019 at the School of Journalism, Renmin University of China
    Orientation | Ceremony marking the beginning of a new semester was held for postgraduates of the year 2019 at the School of Journalism, Renmin University of China 2020-12-21

    "I have four phrases to share with you: 1. Take the world as one's own responsibility; 2. Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles; 3. Dare to be ahead; 4. Be a good journalist and journa...

  10. Alumni Reunion to commemorate 20th anniversary of their enrollment in   1999
    Alumni Reunion to commemorate 20th anniversary of their enrollment in 1999 2020-12-21

    RUC alumni, Class of 2003 graduates of School of Journalism and Communication, gathered together at the school to commemorate the 20th anniversary of college admission on Aug. 24, accompanied by Profe...

  11. 2019 Conferral of Degrees and Graduation Ceremony Held at Mingde Hall
    2019 Conferral of Degrees and Graduation Ceremony Held at Mingde Hall 2020-12-21

    On June 21, the 2019 degree conferment ceremony and graduation ceremony of the School of Journalism of Renmin University was held in the Mingde Hall. Mr. Fang Hanqi, honorary first-class Professor of ...

  12. Reference Room with History,Honor and Harmony
    Reference Room with History,Honor and Harmony 2020-12-21

    More than 30,000 professional books and historical materials collection of senior journalists are stored in the reference room of School of Journalism and Communication where students can borrow docum...

  13. “Double-First Class” Construction丨Academic conversation between overseas and SJC communication scholars
    “Double-First Class” Construction丨Academic conversation between overseas and SJC communication scholars 2020-12-21

    Pamela J. Shoemaker, a famous communication scholar was hired as members of "Double First Class" International Advisory Committee of Renmin University. The ceremony of welcome Shoemaker for visiting, ...

  14. Chinese New Year Wishes | The teachers of J-school visit retired faculty
    Chinese New Year Wishes | The teachers of J-school visit retired faculty 2020-12-21

    Incumbents of J-school successively visited nearly 30 retired faculty in Beijing and sent blessings and greetings to them on the eve of the Spring Festival in 2019. The old teachers still expressed th...

  15. 2019 China Development Research and Media Exchange Program opened at School of Journalism
    2019 China Development Research and Media Exchange Program opened at School of Journalism 2020-12-21

    2019 China Development Research and Media Exchange Program opened at School of Journalism The 2019 "China Development Research and Media Exchange" program, sponsored by China Public Diplomacy Associat...

  16. Daya Thussu, a renowned scholar in international communication studies, was invited to RUC Journalism School for a series of academic exchange events
    Daya Thussu, a renowned scholar in international communication studies, was invited to RUC Journalism School for a series of academic exchange events 2020-12-21

    Famous scholar Daya Thussu, Chair Professor of Schwarzman Scholars, the founder and editor-in-chief of Global Media and Communication, was invited to School of Journalism and Communication, Renmin Uni...

  17. New Year meeting 2019: inherit and innovate
    New Year meeting 2019: inherit and innovate 2020-12-21

    The 2019 New Year meeting was held on Jan.2 to review last year’s work and to promote the Double First-Class construction. Faculties and staffs reviewed last year’s events and tasks, honoredfour staff...

  18. Fourteen Students Stood Out in Program for Top-Notch Academic Talent Cultivation Selection
    Fourteen Students Stood Out in Program for Top-Notch Academic Talent Cultivation Selection 2020-12-18

    The selection of the second phase of the program for top-notch academic talent cultivation launched by the School of Journalism of Renmin University of China was held in Beijing, Nov. 23. After interv...

  19. Dean of the School Talks about How to Tell China’s Stories Well
    Dean of the School Talks about How to Tell China’s Stories Well 2020-12-18

    The lecture focusing on "China’s Stories International Expressions" was held on November 25th, and dean of School of Journalism, Zhao Qizheng, said the external communication of China’s image depended...

  20. Delegation of Journalism and Mass Communications University of Uzbekistan Visits J-School
    Delegation of Journalism and Mass Communications University of Uzbekistan Visits J-School 2020-12-18

    A five-person delegation led by Sherzodhon Kudratkhojayev, the president of Journalism and Mass Communications University of Uzbekistan, visited School of Journalism and Communication, Renmin Universi...

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