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Renmin University of China is a top-tier university renowned for social science research. The School of Journalism and Communication, founded in 1955, has been consecutively rated by the Chinese Ministry of Education as the top 1 journalism/communication school in China over the past decade.


The School of Journalism and Communication at Renmin University of China invites applications for two-year postdoctoral fellowships. Doctoral fellows will be assigned a mentor, and work with faculty members on various on-going research projects. At the end of the two-year tenure, outstanding fellows will have the opportunities to be hired as tenure-track assistant professors.



- Under 35

- Earned doctorate from top international universities outside Chinese mainland (Top 100 in widely recognized college and university rankings, either the main ranking or subject ranking)

- At least one article published in journals indexed by SCI, SSCI or A&HCI (first author, corresponding author or second author working with the doctoral advisor)

- Open to applicants with doctoral degrees in journalism and communication, computer science, information science, statistics, psychology, laws, history, philosophy, politics, or sociology.


Salaries and Compensation

We will provide financial support with market competitiveness. 

Postdoctoral fellows are eligible to apply for other national, university and school-level research grants.  

Publications during the postdoctoral appointment will be rewarded.


Areas of Research for Faculty Advisors

Creative communication or visual communication

Global communication or political communication

Innovation in media content production process

Innovation in communication research methodology

Internet and public administration

Big data and artificial intelligence

Communication laws and ethics

History of journalism and communication


Application process

Candidates should submit a cover letter, an updated CV and a list of three references to Screening of candidates will begin immediately. To ensure full consideration, applications should be sent before 30/12/2018. Selected candidates will receive interview invitations.


Tel: +86-10-82509357 (Ms. Zhang)



Mailing address: School of Journalism and Communication, Renmin University of China,

No 59, Haidian District, Zhongguancun Street, Beijing, China,100872