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陈莹莹2.jpg Chen,Yingying

•Assistant Professor, School of Journalism and Communication


•PhD, Michigan State University (East Lansing, USA)

•MS, Northwestern University (Evanston, USA)

•MA, Tsinghua University (Beijing, China)

•BA, Nankai University (Tianjin, China)

Teaching (Previous & Current)

•English News Writing

•Social Media Analysis

•Introduction to Communication Theories


•Political communication

•Computational social science research

Science communication


Chen Yingying (PhD in Information and Media, Michigan State University) is an Assistant Professor in the School of Journalism and Communication at Renmin University of China. Her research focuses on political communication, science communication, and computational social science methods. Her work has appeared in top peer-reviewed journals in communication, including the Journal of Communication, Communication Methods and Measures, Computers in Human Behavior, New Media & Society, and Public Understanding of Science. In addition, she has won awards for her research from the International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2) and the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC). Before joining RUC, she was an assistant professor (tenure-track) at the School of Journalism and Mass Communications at the University of South Carolina. Before academia, she was the Bureau Chief journalist of Xinhua News Agency in Nairobi.

Publications on Refereed Journals

1. Chen, Y., Tsai, JY., Yuan, S. (accepted). Networked corporate advocacy in a polarized public arena: Analyzing discourse networks of U.S. Fortune 500 companies on controversial issues. Journal of Communication. https://doi.org/10.1093/joc/jqae046

2. Yuan, S., Chen, Y*., Vojta, S., & Chen, CY. (2024) More aggressive, more retweets? Exploring the effects of aggressive climate change messages on Twitter. New Media & Society. https://doi.org/10.1177/14614448221122202

3. Edgerly, S., Chen, Y., Thorson, K., & Kang, T. (2023). Everyone has an opinion and there are no rules: How US journalists articulate the impact of social media on journalism. Journalism Studies, 1-19.

4. Battocchio, A. F., Thorson, K., Hiaeshutter‑Rice, D., Smith, M., Chen, Y., Edgerly, S., Cotter, K., Choung, H., Dong, C., Moldagaliyeva, M., and Etheridge, C. (2023). Who will tell the stories of public health inequities? Platform challenges (and opportunities) in local civic information infrastructure. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.

5. Chen, Y., Peng, Z., Kim, S., Choi, C. (2023). What we can do and cannot do with topic modeling: A systematic review. Communication Methods and Measures. https://doi.org/10.1080/19312458.2023.2167965

6. Chen, Y., Long, J., Jun J., Kim, S., Zain, A., & Piacentine, C. (2023). Anti-intellectualism amid the COVID-19 pandemic: The dynamics of anti-Fauci discourse on Twitter. Public Understanding of Science. https://doi.org/10.1177/0963662522114626

7. Jun, J., Zain, A., Chen, Y., & Kim, S.-H. (2022). Adverse Mentions, Negative sentiment, and emotions in COVID-19 vaccine tweets and their association with vaccination uptake: Global comparison of 192 countries. Vaccines, 10(5). https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines10050735

8. Chen, Y., & Wang, L. (2022). Misleading political advertising fuels incivility online: A social network analysis of 2020 U.S. presidential election campaign video comments on YouTube. Computers in Human Behavior, 131. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2022.107202

9. Chen, Y., Thorson, K., & Lavaccare, J. (2022) Convergence and divergence: The evolution of climate change frames within and across public events. International Journal of Communication, 16, 107-129. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/viewFile/17609/3629

10. Thorson, K., Medeiros, M., Cotter, K., Chen, Y., Rodgers, K., Bae, A., & Baykaldi, S. (2020). Platform civics: Facebook in the local information infrastructure. Digital Journalism, 8(10), 1231-1257. https://doi.org/10.1080/21670811.2020.1842776

11. Bresnahan, M., Chen, Y., & Fedewa, K., (2018) Extinguishing Lady Liberty’s torch? Online public responses to the U.S. executive order to ban immigrants from 7 countries. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/17475759.2018.1520737

12. Jayson, R., Block, M. P., & Chen, Y. (2018). How synergy effects of paid and digital owned media influence brand sales: Considerations for marketers when balancing media spend. Journal of Advertising Research, 58(1), 77–89.

(*Corresponding author)

