  1. 在职教师
  2. 荣休教师
  3. 党政教辅
  4. 博士后
  5. 访问学者

马筱芬.png 马筱芬  




学历学位:香港城市大学 (City University of Hong Kong) 媒体文化硕士、新加坡国立大学 (National University of Singapore) 传播学博士


-Liu, P. L., Zhang, L., Ma, X., & Zhao, X. (2023): Communication Matters: A Trend Analysis of The Role of Patient-Centered Communication in Improving Old Adults’ Health Competence and Health Outcomes. Health Communication

-Ma, X. (2022): IS professionals’ information security behaviours in Chinese IT organizations: Using protection motivation theory, theory of planned behavior, and organizational constructs. Information Processing and Management

-Ma, X., Qin, Y., Chen, Z., & Cho, H.(2021): Perceived ephemerality, privacy calculus and the privacy setting usage of an ephemeral social media site. Computers in Human Behavior

-Ma, X. & Cho, H. (2021): Access of users data stored by organizations – Divides surrounding information security professionals in the Chinese internet industry.Chinese Journal of Communication.

-Ma, X. (2021): How to bridge China and Africa culturally?—New clues from the commensurability of Asiancentricity and Afrocentricity.Journalism and Mass Communication.

-Liu, Y. L., Song, C., Huang, L., & Ma, X. (2022). Investigation of Factors Influencing People’s Adoption of Chatbots for Emotional Support: A Qualitative Study in Hong Kong. [Paper presented at 2022 Annual Conference of International Communication Association, Paris, France]

-Ma, X. (2021): Predictors of IS professionals’ information security protective behaviors in Chinese IT organizations: The application of the organizational antecedents, theory of planned behavior and protection motivation theory. [Paper presented at 2021 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (online), USA, Michigan State University]

-Ma, X. (2021): What motivates IT professionals to protect information assets? The impact of perceived ownership on protection motivation. [Paper presented at 2021 Annual Conference of International Communication Association (online), USA, Denver]

-Ma, X., Qin,Y., Chen, Z., & Cho, H. (2020): Forget me and relax: Perceived ephemerality, privacy calculus and the privacy setting usage of Moments on WeChat as an ephemeral social media site. [Paper presented at 2020 Annual Conference of International Communication Association (online), Australia, Gold Coast]

-Ma, X., Jiang, S., & Zhang, L. (2020): Using EMRs, as a patient with chronic disease: Trend analysis towards online and offline factors associated with frequency of EMRs utilization from 2014 to 2018. [Paper presented at 2020 International Association for Media and Communication Research (online), Finland, Tampere]

-Ma, X. & Cho, H. (2019): Understanding of IS professionals’ work-driven information security behaviours and motivations. [Paper presented at 2019 Annual Conference of International Communication Association, USA, Washington]

-Ma, X. (2018): Do you trust your colleagues? The relationship between focal factors of trust and knowledge sharing among IT experts in Chinese IT industry. [Paper presented at 2018 The Internet Ecology and New Media Theories, China, Peking University]

-Ma, X. (2017): How to bridge China and Africa culturally under the implication of “One Belt and One Road” Initiative?—New clues from the commensurability of Asiancentricity and Afrocentricity. [Paper presented at 2017 International Conference on Intercultural Communication, China, Wuhan]

-Ma, X. (2016): By comparison, what are similarities and differences between Afrocentricity and Asiancentricity on the path of defending Eurocentrism and Eurocentricity. [Paper presented at 2016 NTU Graduate Student Colloquium, Singapore]

-Ma, X. (2016): The analysis of open government data: why does it matter?[Paper presented at 2016 Annual Conference of International Communication Association, Japan, Fukuoka]


第四届青年新媒体学术研究“启皓奖”学术新秀奖 (2022)


新加坡国立大学田野调查奖学金 ( 2019-2021 )

南洋理工大学研究生研讨会优秀演说奖 (2016)


主持,中国人民大学2023年“读懂中国”青年教师社会调研计划支持项目 (2023,结项)




